The question I am asking myself right now is, "Do we focus to much on the death and not enough on the resurrection?" Ok, I'm not saying, "Is that why people don't get it, won't believe, etc.", I'm just wondering if that is why a lot of Christians are such downers.
Sometimes I think all we talk about is don't do this, you shouldn't have this, if you do this, it will lead to this. We talk about dieing a lot. No doubt you have to die to live....but if there is no living on the other side of dieing then what is the use of dieing??!! If I have a porn problem and all I hear is about how wrong that is and how I need to stop, but I never hear about the freedom that is on the other side of addiction, the freedom of not hiding, the blessings on my marriage...why would I EVER leave my old ways? Jesus, said, "I have come that you may have LIFE to the fullest." We are trying to sell DEATH to the fullest! YES, YES, YES, I understand still that you have to die to live. But if we don't understand or see or hear about the joy set before us, how can we endure the death that we must go through?
That's just where I am this morning...tomorrow is a new day.
Thank you for LIFE. I am sorry that I don't always choose life. Please let me see more of who you are and the blessings you want for me so that I can endure killing the things that I have learned to trust. Please let me shut out that that is of Satan that is only to kill and steal and destroy. Thank you for loving me this side of death. Thank you for promising me life.
Your son,