Sunday, September 11, 2005

Today is a day that I have been both dreading and looking forward to for a while now.

Let’s start with the dreading!

I hope that 9/11 doesn’t end up being an appropriate day for our “Town Hall Meeting”. I hope that we are not expecting a nice peaceful evening and we are going to end up at the end of the day looking around at the rubble of a church. I say that somewhat joking but even as I say it, I get this churning inside my stomach. It just bothers me on a day like today that we (this group of people who follow Christ together and call ourselves the Southwest Church of Christ)…well, first that we would have the audacity to call ourselves “of Christ” and then proceed by acting nothing like Him. Father, no matter what happens today, let me act like Christ. And then that this evening, as we sit in the same room that we worship in every Sunday, are we being a bride for our Savior that would be something He is attracted to? I pray that we will be. I have full confidence in our Shepherds. I know that they will handle all of this with the attitude of Christ. And even in their suffering, the will rejoice that that can suffer for the cause of Christ. Father, protect us from the evil one today. Protect us that the father of lies can not twist our words to be hurtful or even confusing. Let all that we speak be clear and for your glory. Bless us that EVERYTHING we do today be for your glory. Please Father, save us from our own self-centeredness. Save us from the evil that grips Your church. Have mercy on us.

Now for the looking forward to…..

By the way, I am also looking forward to tonight’s town hall meeting to the extent it will allow me to be Christ in circumstances that are hard. Thank you Father for this opportunity. But also I am looking forward to the “big announcement” today. Today we announce that I will be taking over our ministry to the “Senior Adult” segment of our body. I haven’t written in a while because this has been so much in my heart and on my mind and I knew I couldn’t risk writing about it here (not because I’m hiding anything but because sharing it too early could have been hurtful). I am both excited and SCARED TO DEATH about this ministry!! On one hand, I know that I have been uniquely prepared for this ministry. I know that God has called me to this ministry (more on that another day) . I know that His will will be done…no matter what…He is the Sovereign God. I know that I love the people I will be ministering to. I know that if I am true that last statement, they will know that I love them by my actions, not just my words. On the other hand…wait, there is no other hand….I know that even in my “scared to death” God is working for my good and for the good of the kingdom (which happens to include this body known as Southwest Church of Christ). So, yes, I am a little fearful…and yes, I have FULL CONFIDENCE that God will win!!!! WOOHOO! I love being able to say that.

Saying that about the ministry change…sure helps me in looking forward now to the town hall meeting.


I now look forward to everything you will bring today. I look forward to our worship this morning, I look forward to the sermon…I look forward to my prayer time this morning…I look forward to the town hall meeting, I look forward to cookies and punch afterwards…I look forward to the announcement and all the ministry that follows it. I look forward to seeing my kids run down the isle and hugging my leg like they haven’t seen me in weeks. I look forward to whatever comes because I KNOW MY REDEEMER LIVES AND I KNOW THROUGH YOU WE HAVE ALREADY WON!!!! Thank you Father for that promise!! Thank you for the confidence I get in you. Don’t just protect us from the evil one…let us see Your victories over him. I love you Lord!!

Your son,


Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!

O what a foretaste of glory divine!

Heir of salvation, purchase of God,

Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song,

Praising my Savior all the day long;

This is my story, this is my song,

Praising my Savior all the day long.

By the way…my Red Raiders (boy were they red last night) won last night. I know it was just FIU…but let’s hope this score is a sign of things to come…

wreckem Tech!



Blogger saurav said...

great post....keep it up...

7:11 AM  
Blogger Carissa said...

Although it is sad to see you move on to the seniors group, I know that you are going to love it. I pray that God blesses these people with you, just as He blessed us with you. Love ya!!!

9:44 PM  

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