Tuesday, June 20, 2006

SE Chronicles…Day 2 - Saturday, June 17th 2006

Not much time tonight to write!! Need to get to bed and get ready for tomorrow. Today was excellent!!! The TL’s are starting to bond and come together. We are already seeing great victories. I’ll have to admit, when I first thought about us teaching Jonah, all I could think of was this VBS like teaching with lots of whales and singing “Jonah, Johna, in the belly of the whale” over and over again. Not the case. This teaching is going to be incredible for everyone who will let God speak to them through it. The Jonah story is SO good. Just reengaging with it a little today has been a blessing to me.

So…tomorrow, the kids come!!! I have incredible peace about that tonight. I trust everybody will get the jobs done that they have been gifted to do or asked to do….I trust that God will use all of this to change lives….AGAIN!!!

Tomorrow morning…that’s what I’m excited about right now. It’s one of those nervous excitements. I LOVE leading worship…anywhere!! I love worshiping God in such a way that others are lead to the throne. But tomorrow will be special….tomorrow, I will worship at home. That brings both nerves and great excitement. I can’t wait till in the morning with Christy and Devon and Kendra and Julie and Kevin and Ross and Josh and Heath….I can’t wait till the crowd starts rolling in…I can’t wait till we speak together, “What a wonderful God we have”….I can’t wait to see what God does….to me. It never fails, God does something to me in these times. I know that he uses our corporate times of worship to bless many…but I think I get to be blessed more than all. I not only get to worship….I get to watch others worship. I get to look into the faces of people whom I’ve grown up with, and see the reflection of our Lord as we worship Him. I can’t wait to remember Christ with them. I can’t wait to look back in the back corner and see my parents singing “Here I Am To Worship”. What a great Father’s Day gift that is for me…to worship my heavenly Father with my earthly Father. I can’t wait to sing “There’s A Stirring”. God, do something amazing as your people gather to praise you in the morning. Anoint this time with your Spirit. Remind us of who you are. Let us make a LOUD noise to YOU!!!! We love you God. I love you God. In the morning, make me invisible so that you may be seen. Make me visible only when I am reflecting Your Glory. I love you God!! I can’t wait to see what you are going to do. AMAZE ME!!!

Your Servant…Your Friend….Your Son,


Tomorrow is going to ROCK!!!


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